Archive | January 2014

Government Briefing to MPs on E-cigs.

Miles Dolphin

Electronic Cigarettes – POST Note

Electronic Cigarettes – POST Note

Published 30 January 2014 | POST notes POST PN 455
Authors: Sarah Bunn
Topic: Health education and preventive medicineMedicine,Research and innovationScienceSmoking
Electronic cigarettes produce a vapour typically containing nicotine, which users inhale. There is debate about their potential role in tobacco smoking reduction and cessation. This POST note summarises the evidence on the safety and quality of electronic cigarettes, explores some of the social issues raised and reviews current UK and EU regulation.

To download full Doc =…

Another year flies by.

Another year flies by..

A post by Ian in Southampton, concerning his first year as a vape-shop-keeper!

Best of Luck to him and happy anniversary!



Article 18. Is there one we can all agree on?

Article 18. Is there one we can all agree on?.


A much improved version of 18 – now all we have to do is get it adopted!

I think we have a fight on our hands.

By Robert Innes (via facebook)

The tobacco industry are a shower of rats. They have tried to kill me for profit. The pharmaceutical industry are a shower of rats. They would see me die for profit. The medical profession are, for a small part, rats, and for the other part, cowards for not speaking out and would therefore see me die, as long as they profit from cash or damage to reputation. The charities are in it for themselves. The politicians are in it for themselves, at least some of them, but the others are such a lazy bunch they only wake up after the vote. When! Oh when will right triumph? I think we have a fight on our hands.

Confused e-cigarette trade association TVECA supports e-cigarette regulation it opposes

Confused e-cigarette trade association TVECA supports e-cigarette regulation it opposes

This is a post from the E-Cigarette Forum….
…. and we wondered why TVECA were always so awkward to talk to!

if you look a bit futher
TVECA Affiliates | TVECA
you’ll see that “tveca is a proud member of coresta”
now if you look at this
and down load the full presentation, and look at the last page, you’ll find
Annex 1

BOARD MEMBERS (2012-2014)

Alliance One International (USA)
Borgwaldt KC GmbH (Germany)
British American Tobacco (UK)
China National Tobacco Corporation (China)
Imperial Tobacco Ltd. (UK)
Japan Tobacco Inc. (Japan)
KT&G Corporation (South Korea)
Papierfabrik Wattens GmbH & Co KG (Austria)
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (USA)
Sodim SAS (France)
Swedish Match North Europe Division (Sweden)
SWM International Inc. (USA)
Universal Leaf Tobacco Company (USA)
University of Kentucky (USA)

Indiegogo Appeal for Dr Farsalinos’ Research.

Electronic cigarette liquids analysis-evaluating potentially harmful ingredients

This is a link to an Indiegogo campaign, where Dr Farsalinos is appealing for the money to investigate one particular chemical which has unexpectedly turned up in e-cigs.

Please contribute a small amount if you are a user of e-cigs, this is important to all of us.

Miles Dolphin

Smokers die after taking Zyban cure!

Smokers die after taking Zyban cure

Eighteen smokers have died after taking Zyban – the new ‘wonder cure’ for nicotine addiction, The Mail on Sunday reveals today.
The deaths, reported by GPs to the Department of Health, have occurred in the seven-and-a-half months since the drug was launched. Those who died were mainly in their 40s and 50s – although one was aged just 21.
Health Department figures also show that 3,457 Zyban users have suffered a disturbing range of suspected side effects – from chest pains to fits, seizures and depression.
Manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline and health officials last night insisted there was no evidence that Zyban was unsafe. But Ministers are under pressure to launch an urgent investigation into the drug, which has been prescribed to some 270,000 smokers in Britain.
Experts said last night that, extrapolating the figures over a year, Zyban accounted for more than 25 per cent of all reported adverse reactions to medicines prescribed in Britain and more than 11 per cent of fatal cases. Mike Stone, of the Patients’ Association, said: ‘For the peace of mind of the people taking the drug, there should be some kind of inquiry.’

Read more: Smokers die after taking Zyban cure 
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You can have my e-cig when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers .

Taken from,

That’s the theory, but then there’s the reality: nothing the state does that is worth doing cannot be done better by people themselves. That’s especially obvious in our time when the forces of innovation and progress are entirely on the side of markets, while governments are left behind to wallow in their own bureaucratic and politicized mire. Given this, what are states to do?

The goal is always and everywhere control. They override our free choices and replace them with their own will. That necessarily means reducing the quality of our lives. And this they have done in nearly every area — they wreck consumer products daily, shut down websites we love, override innovation, harass entrepreneurs, tax the successful, and otherwise try to hold humanity back as much as possible.


In the end, human progress is made possible only through disobedience, by the flouting of authority, by the tendency on the part of the minority of revolutionaries to smash the status quo and replace it with something better, regardless of what political elites might think.

Read more:

Leave smokers alone – The Commentator

Leave smokers alone – The Commentator.

The real tragedy here is smokers that have been beaten down for the sole reason of being smokers, thanks to a top-down campaign to cast them aside for the crime of enjoying something some people object to

by Richard White on 8 January 2014 06:54

Had the public (or politicians, perhaps) known such information it is doubtful that smoking bans would have passed on the basis of risk to health – after all, if a spouse living with a smoker is consuming five cigarettes in an entire year, how many are (or in the British case, were) being consumed by a person sitting in a bar for a few hours?

It’s the families that have suffered huge rifts through fear, the businesses that have shut down, the elderly and terminally ill pushed outside in the depth of winter.

All of which happened while we were watching X-Factor and celebrating what a civilised country we live in.
Maybe – just maybe – this study, combined with those before it, and the justified attention on the issue, can mark the start of the tide turning to an inclusive society, where we don’t bully and ostracise people for not behaving exactly how we want them to.


Congratulations to the American Lung Association for taking a commanding early lead in being the worst liar of 2014.…

Follow-up on the worst anti-THR liars of 2013: WHO and ALA’s Harold Wimmer are truly champion liars

Posted on 7 January 2014 
by Carl V Phillips

The posts for the top liar countdown were all quite abbreviated, not attempting to lay out the full details of each indictment.  This tended to let the offenders off the hook a bit, particularly the WHO, which was guilty of far more lying than appeared in that post or has appeared in this blog overall.  Junican offered acomment (attaching it to the wrong post, but I will forgive that 🙂 that furthers the indictment of the WHO if you are interested.  It points to the WHO’s position statement on e-cigarettes, which consists of the usual tired lies.
But the American Lung Association continues to earn their first-place finish (pulling further ahead of the ACS, interestingly) with their proactive anti-THR lying, like this op-ed at CNN by their president, Harold Wimmer.  If you want to get really cynical about it, the ALA basically depends on smoking to get their funding.  THR is a huge threat to their business model.
The op-ed comes remarkably close to lying in every single sentence, and indeed there are more lies than there are sentences, which is quite a trick: